Saturday, April 16, 2011

Celebration and Little Peeps

Today was Jewel's 6th Birthday (only a day after Misty's).  I have some pictures from the 'party'.  I think Jewel had a good birthday but she was pretty adamit that she was not planning on sharing her cake.  Here are some pictures.
No she is not turning two....I could only find to candles.  Poor Jewel.

"Can I eat it faster?"

"No Goldie, don't even look at my cake because I am not sharing."

"Have to get everything"

"Thank God for cakes!!!!  That was incredible!!!"

Here are our 'little peeps' that we picked up yesterday.  They are adorable.  We got 11 total.  Two for Tate, Sophie, Gabe, and I.  One for Michael, my mom, and my dad. 


"Chow time!"

My little Partridge Cochin.  I haven't named her yet.  I am thinking Frizzle might be a good name?

My black Sex Linx.  Agnes if it is a hen or Angus if it is a rooster.

Polly, My mom's Americuna

Gigantor, Tate's Delaware.

I don't know what her name is.  This is Gabe's chicken.  She is a Speckled Sussex.

One of four of our Buff Orpington's

Sophie's Penny.  She is a Americuna also.