Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Guineas are here!!!

My parents picked up two Guineas today.  We couldn't put them with the chicks because they were trying to peck at them so they are by themselves right now until they get big enough to be with the chicks.  I put my chick Betty with the Guineas and she freaked out because she was away from the other chicks....and she almost stepped on one of the Guineas head because she wasn't looking where she was going.   Names to be determined.  :)

Guinea one. 

Guinea one. 

Guinea two. 

Guinea two.

The chicks aren't really chicks anymore!

Getting BIG!

I just figured out that one of the Buff Orpingtons (the golden colored ones) is a rooster!

One of the Black Sex Links. 


  1. Oooh! I loooooove guineas :) They are TOOOOOO cute! :P

  2. Yeah but they are ugly when they get older!!! We got them to warn/ somewhat guard the chickens and to call out rattlesnakes. :)

  3. They call out rattlesnakes? O.o
