Friday, April 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Misty!!!!!!

Today (April 15th) is Misty's first birthday!!!!!  She didn't really care much....but that is all right.  We had a great Birthday party with Jewel, Goldie, Champ, Misty (of course), Tate and I.   Here are some pictures of her cake and the 'party'.
I made Misty's cake. I think I did a good job if I may say so myself.  Looks Scrumptious.

The lonely one candle.

Chowing on the Birthday cake.

"I can't quite get enough!"

Looking beautiful on her birthday!

Misty!  How embarrassing!

Waiting impatiently for the cake.

"That is good!"

Finally it is Champ's turn to get some cake, and he is loving it!

"That was amazing!"


  1. She really doe look like she's posing :P

  2. Thanks! I think she is gorgeous too. I love the picture of Jewel because she is soooo mad. And of course Champ and his funny faces..... :)
